Adventure awaits...
Koodalkadavu Villa invites you to experience the charms of standalone serviced villa,
designed exclusively for family in the river shore of Kabani river.Slip away to a private
world of restoration in the peaceful atmosphere of our room spread out with comfy twin beds.
Feel the elegance of Kabani river, one of the major tributaries of the river Cauvery in
Southern India, and a wide range of climatic zones of evergreen forests.
Lay out an Incredible ambience, calm and quiet atmosphere.
Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.
Stay at our standalone serviced villa will root out stress, will gifts you a heavenly calmness of evergreen forest. Adorns your day with a positive energy.
Come closer to the serenity of a lake, landscapes most beauiful and expressive feature. Here, the Kabani river carries you into a world of gratification, and gifts you a plenty of hearts and flowers.
Get in relax with fishing.Good catch! makes you to transport to a special world, and a state of mind, where we are free.
Aspire a calming and therapeutic effect of widely spreaded evergreen forest. LOVE! the chirping of birds, the trickling of water from the leaves and be alive of the rhythm of flowing streams.
If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.